Data from the observatory are downloaded from the shore lab every twenty minutes: 5, 25 & 45 minutes after the hour. They are processed yearly to provide burst averaged statistics. Historical burst averaged data can be retrieved here.
Comprehensive, quality controlled summary data from 2000-2021 can be found here.
The time (Yday) is GMT (UTM) at the start of the burst, where 1.5 represents noon on January 1.
The most recent 5 days of data can be viewed and downloaded here.
The locations of the 12m node, Shore Lab, Met Mast and the air-sea interaction tower (ASIT) can be found here.
User contributed data provide auxiliary data sets for public use. These sets are collected as part of externally funded science projects and are included on the 'users' tab of the historical data page if allowed by the principal investigator and funding agency.
The data available here are intended solely for scholarly use by the academic and scientific community, with the express understanding that any such use will properly acknowledge the originating investigator. Anyone wishing to use MVCO data in a presentation, report, thesis or publication should contact the originating investigator. It is expected that all customary courtesies and privileges attached to data use will be strictly honored. Use or reproduction of any material herein for any commercial purpose is prohibited without prior written permission from the MVCO Data Management Office. The complete copyright information is available here.